My stunt team C.B.T. Stunt Alliance has always trained in the traditional stunts (i.e. falls, fight scenes, martial arts weapons, vehicular stunts, etc.) yet we are KNOWN for our Elite Tactical Firearms Choreography for Film & TV expertise. Most well organized stunt teams tend to specialize in 1 thing. For us, it’s everything tactical firearms, which is why we get hired to play roles for US Special Forces, Delta Force, U.S. Navy Seal Team 6, SWAT and more.
Needless to say we’ve all enjoyed AMAZING careers and have had an absolute blast! This success came about because we literally trained in stunts and tactical firearms training EVERY Sunday for 3 hours per session for years. This ensured that we were always at the top of our game.
During this time, we’ve always had actors, stunt performers and content creators that find us in the search engines, social media or get referred to us to learn tactical firearms training so they can use it for specific projects or in general just so they can audition for roles that require tactical firearms training in various TV shows and movies.
The problem was we were always too busy working to actually train all these people. We’d simply tell them we’d add them to the list (which was a VERY long one!) and notify them when we were teaching classes, which would rarely ever happen. Hey it’s what happens when you’re in demand!
SIDE NOTE – we did provide paid actor/ stunt performer training yet mainly for actors and stunt performers for projects that WE were hired for. This is one of the ways we got known in the industry and got so many referrals.